Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Kitchen....

I have a love/hate relationship with my kitchen....I LOVE having a kitchen...but I HATE the layout...

my kitchen must have been designed by a man....whose only concern was getting from the living room to the fridge and back again in the least amount of time...actually, I think designed is rather a strong word for the disaster that is the kitchen....

this is the view from the living room doorway...
ignore the mess in the left corner...I haven't gotten the computer desk cleaned off since I made a mad dig through stuff for the new insurance cards that Saturday that the Man had to take T to the clinic...technically the desk is where the table should go....but a table doesn't really fit there...hey...I see my cat...LOL

I would like to point out that the cabinets and counter top you see in this photo are it...that is all the space I have....that is why fifty million things are piled up on top of the wall cabinets...and notice the dishwasher...on the OTHER side of the far away from the sink as you can get...why?...because that was the only place it would go....

 this is the view from the hall (yes, not that far to move...I know).....all those boxes you see are the Man's supplies....I'm expecting a delivery tomorrow....that's low...there are five rows of boxes...they are normally stacked about 12 to 14 high....
on the left...lamps we don't use...treadmill...I NEED to use....and the desk and 2 office chairs...we actually have 3 office chairs...why?...I have no idea...LOL

oh, do you like the tile?...I put most of that in myself...the Man and I were doing it together...and he got sick, so I ended up doing it...

do you see the one cabinet that isn't closed all the way...that is because my plates are too big...I have a nice set of dishes and my cabinets are too small!!!....

also...there is no pantry...nope...all those cabinets (except the last wall cabinet above the has baking stuff) have dishes in I said...the man who "designed" this mess obviously had no idea how much cabinet space one needs in the kitchen...I blame the fact that he'd probably never cooked a meal in his life...I mean seriously....and I'm guessing he didn't know about the sink, fridge, stove triangle for optimum kitchen use either...

including the sink...I have 10 feet and 6 inches of counter space....that's it...isn't that spiffy...NOT!!...but I make it work......I rearranged over the weekend because when the Man is hooked up to his machine...he couldn't reach the microwave (it was above the dishwasher on the counter) it's next to the fridge and he can reach it just fine.....oh well, someday I'll have more space...some day....

that is my wanna come cook in it with me?....we'd have to do some fancy footwork and skooch around each other to get to stuff...but I bet we'd have fun anyway....

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